Specific Marriage and Relationship Issues
– Communication
– Creating successful relationships
– Healthy boundaries
– Connection and understanding
– Trust and respect
– Passion and compassion
– Intimacy and sex
– Financial issues
– Power struggles and conflict resolution
– Ending a relationship
– Addictive relationship
– Co-Dependency

In your relationship, you want to feel…
– Connected
– Happy
– Healthy boundries
– Cherished
– Free to speak your mind
– Passion and compassion
– Honored
– Trusting
– Respected
– Truly heard

Amazing changes are possible in your romantic relationship. No matter how lost, hurt or hopeless you feel, transformative counseling helps your ability to be strong, confident and able to deal with whatever is necessary in your personal relationships in ways you never thought possible. Successfully heal the wounds, resolve the issues and come to a place where there is understanding, support and respect. With the right tools, focus and commitment, extraordinary changes can happen.
Imagine being able to communicate, connect with and experience your partner with confidence and closeness while working in positive ways through all your issues. I offer extremely powerful and effective methods to help each person empower their personal ability to bring the healthiest, most capable and clearly defined person forward into their partnership.