Personal Growth and Transformation
Personal growth is a process of overcoming the blocks that have kept you from reaching your goals and becoming the person you want to be, the person you truly are. You can learn more about yourself, as well as others, and how you can live life with deeper personal satisfaction. Letting go of old behavior, thinking and patterns while developing new perspectives, healthier choices and a positive conception of self is transforming and opens the door to living a more powerful, authentic and purposeful life.
When you become involved in your own process of personal growth and are an active participant with compassion and understanding, you are then the creator of your life. Giving focused attention on your growth and development, emotionally, mentally and spiritually will unlock the door to everything you need to heal, grow, empower and change. Personal growth can be the most exciting, enriching and rewarding experience an individual can have. You hold all the answers inside – transformation will reveal these to you.
Transforming Ourselves
Transformation happens when we are willing to see that we are more than we have come to believe we are. To be open to see things differently and to recreate our perceptions. Transformation sheds light on the illusions we have been living by and reveals what is actually real and true for us. Transformation clearly defines our authentic and natural essence as the valuable beings we are.
Transitions in Life
Changes happen in all of our lives, whether they are stages of growth, relationships ending and beginning, death or loss, transitions in thought or an inner shift that represents our own, personal transformation. Our Western culture does not often emphasize the value of recognizing, with full attention and intention, these changes we go through or the power ignited by fully participating in the transitions that take place. Unfortunately there is more influence to resist physical growth and aging, ‘get over’ grieving a death, dread menopause and deny loss.
Transformative counseling and retreats offer support and guidance for change of any kind. I provide various wonderful and powerful tools to positively and effectively move you through the experiences of all changes. These tools empower you to access your strength and power as well as your intuitive wisdom and guidance as you face the changes that are before you, moving into the next phase of your life.